One Stop Cigar Furniture Shop
Grow your cigar business with our premium collection of cigar humidor furniture designed to store and display your cigars perfectly
Supporting Retailers, Lounges, Smoke Shops, Cigars Bars, and Enthusiasts
Shop Our Humidor Furniture Collections
Who Uses Our Services?
The cigar industry is run by small business owners. 84% of all tobacco retail businesses are single-store owners.
- Retailers
- Smoke Shops
- Cigar Bars
- Cigar Lounges
- Mobile Lounges
- Restaurants and Clubs
- Golf Course Pro Shops
- Cigar collectors
Boost Your Cigar Sales in the next 30 Days
Looking for strategies to increase your cigar sales in the next 30 days? In this guide you'll learn how to enhance your business, market effectively, and boost sales
Supporting Retailers, Lounges, Smoke Shops, Cigars Bars, and Enthusiasts
Download E-Book HereWhat Our Customers Are Saying
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Authorized Retail Partners For:
Industry Networks and Trade Shows
The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) exists to protect, promote, and inspire participation and growth in the premium tobacco industry. PCA is the longest-running and most active organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the premium tobacco industry.
Total Product Expo (TPE) is the premier B2B trade show that brings thousands of manufacturers, distributors, and independent retailers together under one roof. TPE thrives as an event to find leading brands exhibiting their latest offerings, network with industry professionals.